Living in a small country can be strange sometimes. Over here were gearing up for an election, and a change of government is looking likelier than it has for quite a while. Meanwhile its raising barely a ripple on the internet, except of course on New Zealand social media, but in numerical terms New Zealand is a minuscule niche interest. There are more Marvel Comics fans, more redheads, more intersex people in the world than there are New Zealanders. Nevertheless our politics are important to us, which is why I was busy writing about changes of leadership in the Green Party when, in the United States, the sewage treatment plant fire that was the Charlottesville incident was happening. By the time I had space to write about it, everything I could have said had already been said by somebody else.
But now Trump has done some more bad things: hes pardoned Sheriff Joe Arpaio and made official his ban on transgender people in the military, under cover of the impending storm in Texas. Put together I was about to say those things and Charlottesville had revealed something about Trumps view of the world, but revealed would imply we didnt already know it. Perhaps confirmed or highlighted. Something, anyway, that bodes very ill for the future of the administration and the country, and, given the United States international clout, therefore also for the world.
(Before I launch into that, though, I have an admission to make. Back in April Trump ordered a unilateral missile strike on Syria, and I commented: If this isnt the beginning of a war to dwarf Iraq and Afghanistan, I will publicly eat these words. Since then, well, there have been ongoing white phosphorus attacks, but in five months there has been no escalation, no troop commitment, no bombastic public challenge like George W. Bush made to Iraq in 2003. Consider those words eaten.)
Now to the recent events. Responding to Charlottesville, Trump wriggled out of condemning the fascists even when he had a teleprompter telling him exactly what to say. However abysmal his verbal skills or his comprehension might be, they can no longer bear the blame for Trumps bigoted stance. Despite being from a Union state, his sympathies, conscious and intentional, are with the Confederates. To him, Robert E. Lee and the rest are the good guys. So far so bad. We know his father was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1927, which doesnt prove anything per se but does add weight to the claim that Trump is a Klansman at heart himself. Theres not much doubt left to give him the benefit of.
Then theres Sheriff Arpaio. Arpaio disobeyed court orders and was found in contempt, and now Trump has pardoned him. Court orders to do what? Trump says he was convicted for doing his job. If so, then we would have to conclude that an American sheriffs job description includes profiling Hispanic people with a view to deporting them, and treating those in his custody with the greatest cruelty the letter of the law can be twisted to allow. Those, according to the current President of the United States, are the duties of a law enforcement officer. This is of course the same President who about a month previously advised the police to be more violent when making arrests. By itself the Arpaio pardon suggests a philosophy such as Criminals deserve the harshest treatment we can dish out, but that doesnt sit well with Trumps leniency to the Charlottesville thugs. What principle can we find that makes sense of both? How about Brown people are inherently criminal and deserve the harshest treatment we can dish out?
And finally the military transgender ban. Im going to assume nobody reading this is naïve enough to be taken in by excuses about the cost of surgery or hormone treatments. There are several different motivations for transphobia, but we can eliminate most of them pretty quickly. Trump is not a transgender-exclusionary radical feminist, nor does he have religious concerns about sexual purity. To him the prime virtue is strength. Soldiers need to be strong, and, in Trumps mind, being transgender is a weakness. I could write a whole essay linking this to his many derogatory remarks, public and private, about women. The point I want to make here is that hes not alone. Gender diversity is one of the major front-lines at present in the battle between social justice and bigotry, and Trump has definitively sided, once again, with the bigots. Apparently being transgender makes you a special snowflake with paralysingly sensitive feelings. No evidence is ever of course adduced for this proposition, because there isnt any.
Putting it all together, the most powerful person in the world believes, as of now, that strength is the ultimate good and that it is rightfully an exclusive possession of white cisgender men. The word fascist has been greatly weakened by being bandied about for anybody whose politics the writer dislikes, and Im afraid my generation of Leftists must bear much of the blame. But there is no hyperbole in applying it to Donald Trump. Hes a fascist, and a fascist with access to nuclear weapons.
So you can see why Id rather keep my head in New Zealand politics right now. Even in the worst-case scenario its a much more cheerful subject.